Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. How quickly can I see results?
Answer: Early results can be seen after an average of 28 days. For best results, it is recommended to consume the product consecutively for a minimum of 2 to 3 months.
2. How can I further enhance the results of taking RaLeaf?
Answer: It is best to avoid high amounts of smoking, alcohol, caffeine, sugar & cold beverages while taking this product for maximum results.
3. Can I take more sachets per day to speed up the results?
Answer: For daily maintenance, it is advisable to start with 1 sachet per day. For improvement, you may start with 2 sachets per day and increase to 3 sachets per day after the first month should your body show positive receptions to the product. It is not recommended to consume more than 3 sachets per day.
4. How can RaLeaf help in getting pregnant?
Answer: Raspberry leaves may help to strengthen the uterus muscles & lining, which makes it ideal for any potential embryo to implant on the uterus walls to continue growing. RaLeaf can also support in regulation of the menstrual cycle, and therefore, regulates potential ovulation.
5. Is RaLeaf suitable for pregnant women?
Answer: It is recommended to consume this product only if you are sure you are NOT pregnant. For pregnant women in their final weeks of pregnancy, kindly consult your doctor before consuming this product as raspberry leaves may have been found to stimulate easier labor. You may not want the labor activated so soon, and hence, should ask for a doctor's professional opinion first.
6. Is RaLeaf suitable for post pregnancy?
Answer: It is possible to consume RaLeaf as part of your post partum recovery process if you are looking to balance hormones and promote uterus recovery.
7. How can Raleaf help in Pre Menstrual Syndrome PMS?
Answer: It may help by easing any pain/discomfort associated with period pains & cramps. It can also aid in reducing blood clots and may regulate period flows should they be too much or too little.
8. How can RaLeaf help in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS?
Answer: It can support in reducing PCOS symptoms such as irregular periods, weight gain, acne & difficulty in pregnancy through key ingredients of raspberry leaves, myo-inositol and soybean powder which in combination may help reduce these symptoms.
9. How can RaLeaf help during Menopause?
Answer: It may help in preventing the irregularity of menopause symptoms such as irregular periods, night sweats or hot flushes.
10. What age group of women is RaLeaf best suited for?
It is suitable for all women above the age of 18 up until a menopausal age.
11. Can men consume RaLeaf?
There are currently no found negative effects for men in consuming this product, however, this product is designed to help improve women menstrual health as a main benefit.
12. What is the return/refund/shipping policy?
Answer: We do not accept returns/refunds, however, we will provide exchanges for products with issues if a case is reviewed & verified to be a manufacturing or shipping issue by our store fulfillment process. Please email us at livenao2024@gmail.com for exchanges/feedback.